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                Home > News > Company news

                16949 training

                作者: 发表日期:2019年06月07日 点击次数:988

                To assure that the employees deeply understand the new version of IATF16949 quality management system standard, the company conducted training on IATF16949 implementation and five tools of quality management.

                For this training, we invited Mr. Chen as our special guest and lecturer, who has years of quality management experience. Mr. Chen explained to us the convoluted standard content, especially the new added content of the standard, in a conspicuous way, combined with actual cases encountered in the audits of various companies, which made sure that the participants can better understand the requirements of the new standard.

                After the training, we evaluated the training effect of the participants, and found that everyone was satisfied with the training and learned a lot from it. The training has achieved the expected results. It helped everyone sort out the problems that occurred in the operation of the system, and also pointed out the direction of work for relevant personnel, which benefited everyone.

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