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                Home > About Us > Yuebeist technology
                Yuebeist technology

                Yuebeist ?technology is a professional high-performance alloy material company in the automotive field, focusing on the R & D, production, sales and service of high-performance alloy materials, providing a new material solution for creating a safer and more comfortable human life, promoting the continuous improvement of people's living environment.

                Yuebeist technology’s headquarter is in Anting, Shanghai, with a subsidiary in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province - Nanjing Yuebeist New Material Technology Co., Ltd. The company adheres to "+ (joint) the best" as the business philosophy. Uniting the best suppliers, with advanced R & D center, high temperature nylon polymerization research center, first-class production equipment, process technology, and well-trained professional staff, we provide solutions and innovative cases for the automotive industry and promote the gradual improvement of engineering plastics solutions. Now it has covered the innovative materials and applications of eleven commodity series, including polycarbonate alloy materials, polyamide alloy materials, high-performance fiber composite materials and special engineering plastics.

                Casting world-class polymer alloy materials

                Technical service capability
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